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Water Treatment

Contaminated water is known as wastewater. Wastewater is released from Industries, communities and homes. For treating wastewater Envirowell Bioculture is a revolutionary technology for the efficient treatment of organic waste, thus efficiently reducing its COD and BOD levels. The pollutant-free effluent is then discharged into the water cycle.

Waste Water Treatment

Prior to reaching aquifers or other natural bodies of water like rivers, lakes, estuaries, and seas, wastewater treatment, sometimes referred to as sewage treatment, removes contaminants from wastewater or sewage. Since there is no such thing as pure water in nature (i.e., outside of chemical labs), any differentiation between clean and contaminated water depends on the kind and quantity of pollutants present in the water as well as the use to which it will be put.

Forest Tours


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Envirowell composting culture is a mixture of different types of bacteria that help make compost. Compost is used to make soil richer. Compost is made by putting things like leaves and grass clippings into a pile and letting them break down. The Envirowell composting culture helps the pile break down faster.

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